About Me
Connie Shirakawa is a Chicago native who writes, acts, and tells stories about growing up in her parents ' rooming house on the westside. She has appeared in many Fillet of Solo Festivals with the Goodman Theatre's GeNarrations program with Do Not Submit, Chicago History Museum, University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana, Goodman Theatre, 2nd Story, Free Street Theatre, Lifeline Theatre, Backroom Stories, This Much is True, the film SCUTLY with Women of the Now, Free Street Theatre's production of "Los Milagros'' and is a frequent 2ND STORY teller.

Photography by Heidi Zeiger

My story GRANDMA'S MEDAL is published in a DePaul University book, "Chicago Mosaic: Immigration Stories of Objects Left, Lost, or Kept", a publication of Big Shoulders Books 2023
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